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Everything the Bengals Said after Week 5 against the Ravens


Head coach

Initial comments ...

"I'm sick to my stomach for our guys in there. They fought. I'm proud of them, but we've got to find a way to win. We can't keep coming up one play short, and that's really what the game came down to. There was a lot that I admired about how our team fought. That was a good game against a great team, and we've got to find a way to rebound from this and move forward because I believe in the guys in that room. I know we're in a tough situation, but I believe we've got the guys to bring us out of it, so I'm excited to see them do that."

Can you tell us from your vantage point on the missed field goal in overtime?

"I think just the overall operation wasn't good enough."

Do you think the missed overtime field goal had anything to do with having a new holder this season?

"We've kicked all year."

What did you feel was the biggest issue you had on defense today?

"We were aggressive. We were aggressive and we weren't going to stop being aggressive. I thought we did a tremendous job against the run until that last run of the game. Our guys did a great job. They made some plays in the passing game. I mean, you guys watched the same game I did. (Lamar Jackson) runs around back there 20 yards deep and finds some explosives — how many guys do that? I thought our guys were relentless with their effort and they were going to make some plays. We knew that and still gave ourselves opportunities to win the game, and we didn't do that."

How would you rate Joe Burrow's performance up to the interception in the fourth quarter?

"The guy made a great play on the pick. Obviously I haven't seen the replay of it, but certainly he gave us plenty of opportunities to win."

When you get the ball in overtime after recovering the Ravens' fumble, what was the mindset on offense there?

"We feel like we're in field goal range. We've thrown the ball in that situation before. We called a pass and Joe (Burrow) actually did a great job getting us out of it, back into a run because the look was not there to throw it. There was good management by him and we still got a couple yards out of it and then we're in the position win (with) the field goal and we thought we'd win it with that."

At the end of regulation, you the ball back with three timeouts remaining. Can you take us through that sequence of plays and how the sack affected the approach?

"(The sack) is the big one. That's the big one. You know, that put us in second-and-17 right out the gate and I think they just got us with the game up front. That changes you a little bit. We still pushed the ball down the field on the second play. It was a contested play that was incomplete. So then you get to third-and-17 and the percentages tell you that's a very low percentage (chance of success). You can throw the ball past the sticks. Any team that's ever played the game (will know) that's a low percentage play and we risk giving them the ball back with time with a kicker that can kick it the length of the field, so that's where we just ran out the clock and felt like we could give ourselves another opportunity."

Are you concerned about the team's ability to finish games the way the season's gone thus far?

"We've got to find a way to make that one more play. I thought today there were going to be some plays I pointed to where we did that and unfortunately, the result was 41-38 them. I was excited as we were there in the fourth quarter. I felt like we had made a lot of those plays that I was going to be able to be really positive about, but at the end of the day, it just didn't happen."

Was that a conscious decision to blitz as much as you did today and if so, why?

"Yeah. You've got to be aggressive. Obviously, they've got the top rushing attack in football, so we weren't going to just sit back there and let them do it. They've got a great quarterback. You've got to put pressure on him to make some plays and he answered the bell often. That's what he does."

There were plays when you guys got in the backfield and weren't able to finish ...

"When you play (Lamar Jackson), you know that. He's strong, he's athletic, he's tough to bring down. That's just part of it. Our guys have played him plenty."

How tough was it to lose Dax Hill early in the game?

"I thought Dax (Hill) was playing really good football for us. He's worked really hard to get to that position. I don't know what the final diagnosis is going to be yet, I'll hold off on that. Certainly heartbreaking, to work like he does, if it's a bad deal."

What gives you confidence that your defense is going to be playing at a higher level?

"That's one of the best offenses in football and we've played some really good offenses this year. This defense has shown me enough that we can win a lot of games this year. They've shown it time and time again. And just because today, you're going to look at the scorecard at 41 points and say that's not good enough, but I believe in those guys and I've seen enough from each of those guys to continue to believe in them."

In the risk-reward with the field goal attempt in overtime, do you think you could've gotten more yards to make a closer field goal?

"It's the (possibility of a) sack, a holding penalty, anything that could knock you back. So, when you are in field goal range and you believe in your kicker, it's just as simple as that."

This season started with expectations of a championship, do you still believe in that?

"I still believe in that."

There were some Ravens receivers open in the end zone. Were those miscommunications?

"I'll have to watch that to see."

There was a time out called right before the field goal attempt in overtime. Why did you call it?"

"We needed to, because (a player) reported (as an eligible receiver). We needed to call time out to keep him in the game."

We're you guys rotating at safety with Vonn Bell and Jordan Battle?

"We tried to play as many guys as we could to keep guys fresh. That was part of what we were trying to do the whole game."

Is this one of the most deflating losses in your tenure?

"It's Week 5 of the season. It's disappointing that we just lost to a great football team in a big game for us. But you're not going to see a lot of guys sitting in here, just feeling sorry for ourselves. We still believe in each other, and we have a tremendous opportunity to show what we're about going forward. So, people can write us off if they really want to. I'm not dumb enough to do that. I believe in these guys and I know what we showed out there today, and I know that there's brighter days ahead in 2024 in this season. I'm excited to watch these guys rebound and do that."



What was running through your mind sitting in the locker room after the game?

"Lots of different things, mostly just reflecting on the game."

What jumped out to you the most?

"We had our opportunities; didn't take advantage of them. They made plays down the stretch."

Walk us through what happened on the interception ...

"It was man-to-man. I had Ja'Marr on a slant and took a shot. He (Marlon Humphrey) made a really good play. I'm not sure I would have made any other decision than that. Credit to him."

Ja'Marr Chase was saying he ran a bad route ...

"Marlon is a great player. We made plays, they made plays. That's a credit to him. He's a smart, savvy player who knows what we're trying to do in that situation. He played it perfect."

Would you have liked to throw a pass or two after the defense recovered the fumble?

"As good as their rush is, you always take a chance at getting sacked in that situation. We were in field goal range. They made a kick down the stretch and we didn't."

Zac says you checked out of a pass play ...

"It wasn't a good look for the one we had called."

Do you think there needs to be some sort of change in week-to-week prep in order to finish games better?

"We just have to make plays down the stretch. We're playing really well on offense. I don't know what the league stats are, but we're 1-4. That's not where we want to be. Something has to change. I'm not sure what that is on our end, but we'll do some critical thinking, watch the tape, and see what we can do better. There's plenty to improve on. That's no secret. We'll treat it just like any other week — come back, and get better."

Do you as an offense view this as a situation where you have to score as many points possible, given the defenses' struggles?

"We're going to have to do more. Whatever it takes to win. So far, we haven't done enough in three out of four games. I'll put that on me. (It's) on us to go and finish it when we get our opportunities to."

How sustainable is that for a championship level team to play with so little of a margin for error?

"We're not a championship level team right now. We're not. I like to think that we'll come back and improve throughout the season to get to that point, but right now we're not, and we have to get better."

Is it frustrating it's still not at that level yet, five games in?


How can you help with the defense? From a leadership standpoint, can you help them along?

"They made plays today. We got a safety — a big time play — and (they) played really well in that first half. We missed some opportunities in that first half. We got it rolling on offense eventually, but so did they. Guys on defense made plays today. I'm sure that there are ones they want back, the same way there are ones I want back. We'll come back and improve."

The drive before overtime, did the sack put you behind the chains?

"Yeah, a sack puts you behind the chains. I stepped up into the pocket and threw one to Tee Higgins we didn't connect on. Then third-and-17, they had no timeouts, you have to run it there and get it to overtime. The odds of getting a third-and-17 are slim to none, and you don't want to give it back to them with 35-40 seconds on the clock, just needing a field goal to win. The sack hurt. They played that concept we had really well. There wasn't anywhere for me to go with the ball quickly. That's a really, really good defense. They made it really hard on me all day. We made plays, but there wasn't anything easy out there."

Do you understand Zac's feeling — when you go on the field at their 38 when you get the ball in overtime — to not take chances and lose yardage. Do you understand that philosophy, or would you rather have been more aggressive?

"Well, I'm not going to second-guess that. We were in field goal range. We go into every week on gamedays understanding field goal range on each side of the field. And yeah, you want to get some yards to make it easier on them. But also, that defense is really good and makes negative plays happen all the time. So, if you drop back and get sacked or sacked/fumbled, they have a really good rush. No, I'm not going to second guess that. We had a shot to win it, and we didn't take advantage of it."

You had said during the week that you felt like you had to play near perfect today. Then today you go for almost 400 yards, five touchdowns — the first time in your career you do that — then had the interception. Do you think you can play better than how you played today?

"Yeah there's always room to improve. By no means was it perfect. That's always what I'm striving for. My statement rang true today. Perfect was what was needed, and that's not what we did."

What's going through your mind playing in a back-and-forth game like that?

"Yeah, I knew what it was going to take. By no means did I think we had the game won, that's for sure. I was just letting all the guys know that we going to have to do it again."

The ball at the end of the half to Ja'Marr, did that surprise you? How did that happen? That's probably the last thing they wanted to happen ...

"I'm not sure how many seconds were left when we got back, but we had three timeouts, so you'd love to score a touchdown in that situation. But you know the odds of that aren't high, so I was playing for a field goal really. You step up, make a throw to Ja'Marr to get us to around the 50, and then we got the coverage that we wanted for that shot and were able to connect on that. That was a big play in the game."

Did the offense feel like it was in a flow like it was in the Baltimore-Cincinnati game in 2021?

"Yeah, that was one of those games where we were making plays. Guys on the outside were making plays, we're breaking tackles and making runs after the catch. But like I said, it was hard out there. Those guys make it really tough. They're a tough, physical, good rush. They understand what they're doing in the secondary. They're matching coverages. So, at the end of the day, we made plays, but they made several plays as well."

Do you feel like this is the best offensive game the team has had this year?

"I'm not going to go that far. We didn't do enough to win the game, but I'm happy with how we played today."

Is there a of feeling of disbelief at 1-4? It feels like every game you make enough plays to win the game, but haven't been able to totally finish ...

"No, I know exactly how we are 1-4. We're not making plays at the end of the game to go and win it. (I'm) definitely not in disbelief. I know exactly what's happening."

To that point, when a season like this has gone the way it has, a lot of questions will be asked about the preparation. Do you feel like there's enough accountability from the coaching staff to the players right now?

"There have been tough conversations had. I think our coaches are handling it the right way. And whenever you're 1-4 — whenever you're in a tough situation — there are going to be tough conversations that are going to be had, that guys aren't going to like. Those conversations have been had. So I'm happy with how we're going about it. We obviously have to win more. That's no secret, but I think people are (handling it) the right way."

Why do you guys think you're having so many problems finishing games? Is there a common thread to why you have struggled to finish these games?

"It's different every game. At the end of the day, they put it on me to go out and make the plays, to win it. And today, and the four (other) games, we haven't. I'm going to look within myself to get more of myself — to try and do more and get more out of myself to go out and make those plays to win the game."

Five drives of 70 yards against that defense. That's tough to do, how well did you play offensively?

"We played really well. By no means was it perfect. We left some out there. Typically, when you have offensive games like that, you always feel like you could've done more. That's how I always feel coming out of every game and every play. We'll watch the tape, improve and come back tomorrow."


Running Back

Let's start big picture here. This team, obviously, we know the expectations in this room. How does 1-4 sit with this group?

"Obviously, not well. Lot of close games out there. This one — sickening ... for real. That's my final thought on what happened out there. But, we're putting up a lot of points. Obviously, a lot of things to learn from. What we're going to do is we're going to rally up, stick together, and control the controllables."

You guys get the fumble recovery in overtime, you're set up in good field position. Was the thought there to keep the ball on the ground, and get as many yards as you can, and try to set up a field goal?

"That's field goal range for Evan (McPherson), so we all had 100 percent confidence in him making that field goal. I didn't really see exactly what happened there, but it looked like it got blocked or something ... Yeah, we just have to execute in those situations."

You guys in so many of your losses are just a play away here, a play away there from coming away with a win. What is it that's preventing you guys from getting that final play to win?

"Good question. Really good question. We just have to keep putting points up on the board as an offense. That's what we can control."

The way Joe Burrow was playing, did you think he would get the ball in his hands with a chance to make a play there in overtime on that final drive?

"We're confident in everybody in situations like that, but I think the whole mindset there was to kick a field goal, and walk off the field with that."

How confident do you feel in this room that these guys won't let the season start to sink?

"Fully confident. Like I said, we've just got to stick together, control the controllables, keep the outside noise out, and focus on what's coming up next week."

Ja'Marr Chase

Wide receiver

Can you put your finger on why the team is in the position it is in at 1-4?

"To start with, I think we should have won these games. I'll start there."

Do you put that on you?

"I take that on me."

Are you surprised the play was there on your 70-yard touchdown?

"No. We got in the right formation for it and got the right coverage."

If you're to take something positive out of this, would it be the way the offense was able to score?

"We put up 30 points but still losing — it's not something we want to see. We had confidence in everything we did today. Putting up 30 points is something we want to do on a regular basis."



Were you feeling the butterflies fluttering?

"That's one of those things where usually when I'm on the field I feel really calm, and that circumstance wasn't any different. I really do feel like (I felt) the adrenaline maybe too much, (was) just trying to get it down too quick."

How do you feel like your holding has progressed this year?

"I think it's been great. Me, Cal (Adomitis), and Evan (McPherson) have been on the same page. I feel like we've done a lot of work. Obviously, coming in a little bit later (into training camp this year) ... I just have to be better. That's plain and simple."

What happened on the snap?

"The snap was good. The snap came back really clean. Like I said before, I think I just tried to get it down a little too quick — give Evan enough time to look at it — and I just didn't get it down cleanly."

Do you have a split second where you're like, 'Oh shoot' when you're trying to get it back upright?

"When it doesn't go down clean, it's like, OK, try and get it up. I feel like we have enough time. Just didn't get it back up cleanly."

Anything comparable to this in your experience as a punter or a holder?

"Oh man, there's definitely plays you wish you could go back and change. These plays happen. If you play football long enough, not every single one can be perfect, and I hate that it happened in that moment — in that circumstance. It's part of the game. It really is. Come back to work tomorrow and get it sorted, and be clean from here on out."

Evan McPherson


Is this unfortunate for Ryan Rehkow, this early in his career?

"No. He has done a really good job holding, and I have full trust in him. And, whether he drops it or if it's perfect, I think that I should make every kick. None of that should be put on Ryan, or Cal, or anything. I think if anything, I didn't put the ball through the uprights. I think it always has to fall on me."

Any thought on the offensive strategy there at the end, meaning is a 53-yard FG attempt OK?

"We had a pretty good wind going that way. It was kind of cross, but it was more so toward our tunnel. And so, we had a good feeling from long distance going that way. You don't want to risk putting the ball up in the air, getting an interception or something else. So usually, the game plan for a game winning field goal is to run the ball, get as close as you can, but ultimately just hanging on to the ball so we can get the field goal attempt."

We saw you mix in a couple of different kickoffs, including one that resulted in an out of bounds situation at the end. Is that something you had in your back pocket?

"Yes. With this new kickoff rule, you get to have a bunch of different special kickoffs to throw onto the returner's agenda, so that he doesn't (have a chance to) handle the ball as clean. And so, we work on those. That one specifically wasn't my best hit, but it ended up working out."

So that wasn't necessarily intentional?

"I can neither confirm nor deny. I'll let you speculate."

Can you describe just how difficult this one is to process, considering how well it went most of the way?

"It's super difficult, just because everything was going so well and we were playing so well. And I just hate the way it ended, because we all had a good feeling about it. We were all playing really good football, and I felt like I was kicking well today. I had a good feeling about the field goal, but it's just how it goes sometimes. But you have to learn to take it, move on and not sit on it, and not let it affect next week."



Until Derek's final carry, you guys shut him down. Did you feel like if you contained him, that you were going to win the game?

"That was the main thing. To stop the run — (they were the) the No. 1 rushing offense in the league. We held those guys to some numbers that they aren't used to having, but that last one got out and that ended the game."

I think coach Zac Taylor said he thought you guys are still a championship caliber team. Do you believe that?

"Yeah, I believe him. I will believe it every week. At the end of the day, you see what's in the locker room. You see how we go out there and play any team. We're just not figuring it out right now."

How do you feel like you responded coming off a tough week last week?

"I played well. My eyes were great. My technique was fine. I didn't get too many targets. I just played top down and just did my job."

The mantra is always to forget about this one and move on. But how hard is this one going to be to forget about?

"It's always hard to move on. At the end of the day, it's an 'L.' And it's right after the game, so I'm pretty sore right now."

Was it snowballing a little bit. It's hard to get it stopped once it's rolling like that ...

'We really go out there every time and just preach three-and-out and turnovers. No matter how many times you go out there, regardless of how the offense turns it over. And now we try to get a three-and-out turnover. That's our motto — try to get the ball back."


Wide receiver

What's the first step after this game?

"We'll look at tape tomorrow and start there, correct what we did wrong and get ready for Sunday Night Football."

What was working so well for you guys offensively?

"It was just winning a lot of our one-on-one coverages. We knew that was going to be big for this game. We knew that was our mentality, to come in and win those one-on-ones. It just wasn't enough."

Why do you think you guys have had trouble finishing games?

"I can't put my finger on exactly why. We've just got to come together as a team and finish those games out. We've done it before in the past, and we've got to just do it."

Throughout your career you've had success against the Ravens. What is it about the Ravens?

"I don't know, man. We just get matchups that we wanted and were able to make plays."
