Check out photos of Lauren of the Ben-Gals!

Why did you decide to audition for the Ben-Gals?
I've been dancing since I was 3 years old, and after I graduated from college I knew that I wanted to continue on a professional level. NFL cheerleading was something that I had considered pursuing, and when I moved to Cincinnati in 2011 I decided to try out. Not only did I want to continue dancing, but I thought it would be a great way to get involved in the local community.
What is your favorite memory from being a part of the Ben-Gals?**
I have so many incredible memories, it's difficult to choose just one! Being selected by my teammates and representing them as the 2015 Pro Bowl Cheerleader is probably my favorite, because it's the highest honor you can receive as an NFL Cheerleader. It was an amazing experience!
Traveling to London to cheer in the NFL International Series is a close second! We had the opportunity to attend so many events when we were there, and game day at Wembley Stadium was unforgettable. It was a definitely a once in a lifetime experience.
At what point did you have your "I'm actually an NFL Cheerleader" moment and what was it like?
There are so many incredible "firsts" your rookie year! Finding out that I made the team was one of the most exciting days of my life, but putting on that uniform for the first time was completely overwhelming. I cried tears of joy!
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans about the Ben-Gals?**
I think most of the other 'gals' would agree that the biggest misconception about NFL cheerleaders is that this is our full time job. However, we all have full time jobs or are full time students outside of being a Ben-gal. That's what makes the NFL Cheer sisterhood so special...all of these intelligent, hard-working women come from different places and have different talents, yet we come together a few times a week to focus on our shared love of dance!
What advice can you give someone looking to try out and what did you do to prepare for auditions?
If you've never attended a prep class, I highly recommend doing so. It's important to become familiar with the Ben-gal style and it will allow you to feel more confident throughout the try out process. I attended as many prep classes as I could and even took a few dance classes outside of the prep classes.
It's also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Dancing on the field for an entire game requires a lot of stamina, so I focus on having a healthy diet and workout regimen throughout the year.
Lastly, always dance full out, wear your red lipstick, and most importantly, have fun!
*Would YOU like to join the Ben-Gals this season? Auditions start April 24th! You can register for prep classes and view other important dates here. *