Fan Fun Friday (3/22/13)
Bengals fans show off their team spirit. Want YOUR photo to be featured? Email it to us at Please be sure to include a caption with your photo.

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"My son in his bengals outfit." --Brittany

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"Trying to stay warm at PBS."

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"WHO DEY? Dey the Bengals secret weapons heading to the game!" --Mrs. Tatiana X

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"My husband and I live in Memphis, TN. Here we are at the Bengals-Titans game." --Tracey and Nick Sundin

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"The newest Bengals fan!"

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"My granddaughter Kenna smiling for the oncoming season." --Christopher

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" 'I'll be with daddy on Sundays.' Newest member of Who Dey nation, 20 minutes out of the womb, sporting a Bengals infant hat. My tiger cub never even had a chance to be anything but a Bengals fan!"

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