Fan Fun Friday (4/26/13)
Bengals fans show off their team spirit. Want YOUR photo to be featured? Email it to us at Please be sure to include a caption with your photo.

Wanted to share this pic. My babies representing! WHO DEY!

Three generations of Bengals fans.

We are military Bengals fans stationed in Redskins Nation. WHO DEY! --Charles and Jackey Smith

My daughter Arianna is a huge Bengals fan. I thought it would be cute to share with the team. She is 3 years old. -- Caitlin

Here is our 11 month old, Grace watching the game in her BenGAL headband with her favorite football.

Here is a pic of my twin 4-year-old sons, Jordan & Jacob, getting ready for the Bengals game. These are their angry faces- GRRRRRR! --Mike Pack

The Keller Family (Mike, Kylee and Alyssa) from Fairfield, Ohio.