Senior Member Relations Representative – East 200/Club & Club Loge
Hometown: Lexington, KY
College: Shawnee State University
Fun Fact: I am a nerd who used to stream on Twitch. I love playing video games, board games, and collecting Pokémon cards. Concerts are my happy place and I average about 6 or more yearly.
Favorite Bengals Memory: 2021 Divisional Round playoff game against the Titans - Drove down to Nashville with co-workers and friends and was able to experience her first playoff game as a fan, tailgate with her Season Ticket Members, pass out pom poms and watch the Bengals upset the #1 seed.
Senior Member Relations Representative, West 200/Club & Club Cabanas
Hometown: Modesto, CA
College: California State University Stanislaus
Fun Fact: I have lost over 165 pounds through working out and conditioning. I am a huge Marvel/DC Comic fan.
Favorite Bengals Memory: At The Pitch in 2021 with hundreds of Bengals fans watching the AFC championship game and seeing the reactions to Evan McPherson's game-winning kick.
Favorite Bengals Memory: The Super Bowl pep rally before we made the trip to LA. It was FREEZING! But seeing all the fans pack the stadium full and feeling the energy of the crowd is something I will never forget.
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