As part of the "Bengals First and Green" program, a partnership with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Who-Dey was on-hand to thank students for the commitment to green practices adopted by the school.
Over the past weeks, Pleasant Ridge Montessori kicked off a lunchroom program reintroducing silverware and hardware to help save a significant amount of paper and plastic previously being disposed of on a daily basis. In addition to the new tableware purchased by Cincinnati Public Schools, a partnership with United Way's Emerging Leader Society supported the project by purchasing new bins for recycling, composting and trash.
In addition to thanking each student for their dedication to the program, Who-Dey drafted five students onto the "Bengals First and Green Team." These students were recognized for taking on leadership roles and volunteering extra effort to help make Pleasant Ridge Montessori School one of the first "green schools" in southwest Ohio.
The Bengals and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources created the "Bengals First and Green" program in 2008 launching a comprehensive recycling program at Paul Brown Stadium. Over the past year, the Bengals have supported multiple "First and Green" events to emphasize the importance of recycling and conservation.
Click here for more information on joining the "First and Green Team."